Rhinoplasty North Korea — Beyond Cosmetic Change

Marifur Rahaman
7 min readSep 27, 2023


Rhinoplasty North Korea

In North Korea, where political leaders meticulously control every aspect of life, rhinoplasty transcends the realm of mere cosmetic surgery. Amidst the nation’s unique sense of beauty shaped by state-organized socialist ideals, rhinoplasty represents a complex interplay between aesthetics and ideology. In this article, we explore the intriguing world of Rhinoplasty North Korea, where reshaping one’s nose becomes a statement reflecting both personal desires and the regime’s vision for an ideal corporeal identity. Join us on this journey through the nuances of beauty and fashion in North Korea, where rhinoplasty serves as a unique expression of individuality in a society where personal choices are deeply intertwined with political influence.

Rhinoplasty North Korea: Why North Korean People Opt For Rhinoplasty In The First Place

Why do North Korean people opt for rhinoplasty? The answer lies in the convergence of several factors that drive individuals to seek this particular cosmetic procedure.

First and foremost, rhinoplasty aligns with the prevailing beauty standard. A well-defined nose complements the desired facial features of a round face, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. As such, many North Korean women view rhinoplasty as a means to conform to the prescribed beauty norms set by the regime.


Additionally, rhinoplasty offers a way to express individuality within the confines of a society where personal choices are limited. While the beauty standard may be uniform, rhinoplasty allows for subtle variations and self-expression, allowing individuals to stand out within the constraints of conformity.

Furthermore, the influence of external factors cannot be underestimated. Exposure to global media, particularly South Korean entertainment and beauty trends, has introduced North Koreans to a broader spectrum of beauty ideals. Rhinoplasty presents an opportunity to bridge the gap between the restricted North Korean aesthetics and the more diverse global beauty standards.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the motivations behind North Korean individuals’ decisions to undergo rhinoplasty, exploring the intricate interplay between beauty, politics, and personal expression in this secretive nation.

Rhinoplasty North Korea and Politics: Beyond Cosmetic Beauty

In North Korea, the pursuit of a perfect appearance is not merely about conforming to beauty standards but often has profound political implications. The connection between rhinoplasty and politics in this secretive nation becomes increasingly evident when considering the stringent requirements to enter North Korean high society.

Competition for coveted jobs in elite party organizations is incredibly tough, and the prerequisites to even be considered for such roles extend beyond qualifications. A “pretty face and figure” are deemed basic necessities, a stark reminder that beauty carries weight in North Korea’s political landscape. Herein lies the challenge for many North Korean women — achieving the desired appearance that opens doors to the upper echelons of society.

This nexus between beauty and politics underscores the significance of rhinoplasty in North Korea. For women seeking to rise within the ranks and potentially defect from the isolated nation, enhancing one’s appearance, including nose reshaping, becomes a desirable goal. It represents not only personal aspiration but also a strategic move to access opportunities within the corridors of power and, in some cases, escape the confines of the regime. As we continue our exploration, we’ll delve deeper into the multifaceted motivations behind the quest for beauty and its intricate ties to the North Korean political landscape.

The Dangers of Rhinoplasty in North Korea: Beauty’s Hidden Risks

In North Korea, the quest for beauty through rhinoplasty and other cosmetic procedures is not only a challenging endeavor due to political implications but also a perilous journey fraught with hidden dangers.

The North Korean government has long viewed tattoos and surgery as antisocial activities, strictly restricting them. While many individuals manage to evade the authorities’ watchful eyes, the secretive nature of these procedures speaks volumes about the risks involved. Cosmetic enhancements, including rhinoplasty, often become clandestine operations carried out in unconventional settings.

  • One critical factor contributing to the peril of cosmetic surgery in North Korea is the prevalence of unlicensed practitioners operating in the shadows. These individuals, often lacking proper training and oversight, perform procedures illegally. Word-of-mouth referrals or success stories from acquaintances become the primary means of connecting with these underground surgeons.
  • The costs of these procedures, while significantly cheaper than their South Korean counterparts, remain prohibitively high when compared to official monthly salaries in North Korea. As a result, individuals often resort to paying doctors secretly for treatments and procedures, further complicating the already precarious landscape of cosmetic surgery.
  • What exacerbates the risks is the absence of proper medical facilities. Most cosmetic surgeries take place outside of hospitals, where the risk of infections is alarmingly common. Procedures performed in homes are devoid of the safeguards and sterile environments that hospitals provide, and local anesthesia, common in Pyongyang hospitals, is often absent. Enduring pain becomes an expected part of the experience.

Furthermore, the practitioners themselves, driven by profit and operating outside the boundaries of legality, often lack the necessary skills and a sense of responsibility. When complications arise, patients have no recourse for complaints or legal action, as these procedures exist in a gray zone of legality.

In a nation where the pursuit of beauty collides with political constraints, the desire for rhinoplasty can lead individuals down a treacherous path, where the promise of transformation comes with the risk of pain, infection, and a lack of recourse in case of mishaps.

Rhinoplasty: A Quest for Beauty, A Cry for Freedom, A Prelude to Political Change in North Korea?

The desire for rhinoplasty in North Korea, seemingly rooted in aesthetics, may indeed serve as the seed for a broader and more profound societal transformation. In the pursuit of beauty, individuals in this reclusive nation are quietly challenging the status quo, seeking greater personal freedom in a society where individual choices are sharply constrained. Perhaps, one day, this yearning for self-expression and autonomy, ignited by a simple desire for rhinoplasty, could ripple into a demand for freedom across all aspects of life. While the future remains uncertain, the idea that a quest for personal beauty could become a catalyst for political upheaval, leading to a transformative change in the North Korean government, is a testament to the unpredictable power of human aspiration and the resilience of the human spirit.

So, what exactly is Rhinoplasty

In general, rhinoplasty procedures involve reshaping the nose to improve its appearance or function. The specific techniques and methods used can vary widely depending on the country, healthcare facilities, and the preferences of the surgeon and patient. Rhinoplasty is typically performed by qualified plastic surgeons in medical facilities equipped for surgical procedures.

It’s important to note that the availability and quality of medical care, including cosmetic surgery, can vary significantly in different countries and regions. In North Korea, healthcare infrastructure and access to advanced medical procedures may be limited compared to many other countries.

If you are considering rhinoplasty or any other medical procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified and experienced medical professional in your own country who can provide you with information on the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes.

Effects of Rhinoplasty on The Psychology of North Korean Patients:

A study involving 200 patients requesting rhinoplasty provided valuable insights into the psychological reactions associated with the procedure. Here are key points from the study:

Preoperative Assessment:

  • Prior to surgery, patients completed questionnaires addressing their expectations, both cosmetic and psychological, as well as their relationships, self-confidence, self-esteem, and specific dislikes about their noses.
  • They also underwent the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), a standardized psychological test, to evaluate their psychological well-being.

Postoperative Assessments:

  • Follow-up questionnaires were administered at one month and six months postoperatively to assess any changes in patients’ psychological states.
  • Information regarding the surgery and postoperative outcomes was also obtained from the surgeon and nurse.

Psychological Impact:

  • Statistical analysis revealed that rhinoplasty had varying psychological effects on patients:
  • Some experienced increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Male patients did not exhibit sustained changes on the BSI, while female patients showed improved scores on several scales, including obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and phobic anxiety.
  • Some patients reported mild-to-moderate depression postoperatively, often correlated with high preoperative anxiety levels.

Surgeon-Patient Discrepancy:

  • Interestingly, the study found that surgeons tended to be more critical of the surgical results than the patients themselves.
  • Patients who had strong positive feelings about the results, which the surgeon misjudged, were often found to be experiencing depression.

In summary, this study underscores the complexity of psychological reactions to rhinoplasty. It highlights the potential for improved self-esteem and self-confidence in some patients, particularly females, but also identifies the risk of postoperative depression, particularly in those with preoperative anxiety. The surgeon’s perception of patient satisfaction may not always align with the patient’s own assessment, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing the psychological aspects of rhinoplasty patients for successful outcomes.

Citations & Sources:

  1. Nam, S. W., Chae, S., & Lee, G. Y. (2021). Mysterious Pyongyang: Cosmetics, Beauty Culture and North Korea. Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/north-korea/articles/the-evolution-of-beauty-in-north-korea
  3. Goin, M. K., & Rees, T. D. (1991). A prospective study of patients’ psychological reactions to rhinoplasty. Annals of plastic surgery, 27(3), 210–215.



Marifur Rahaman

Content Writer by profession. Do ping me if you come to Kolkata.