Admit It: Watching BDSM Porn Has Destroyed You

Marifur Rahaman
4 min readSep 19, 2024


Image From Pixabay

You are bored… Tired. You have nothing to do for the rest of the day. What do you do? You whip up your phone and start watching some porn, because hey! What can be a more pleasurable way of passing time?

The only problem? You don’t get the same ‘high’ watching ‘normal’ vanilla porn… You need to see girls tied up, whipped, lashed, bruised. Else, you don’t get that satisfaction.

Do you see the problem? I know you can’t… Because I couldn’t for years.

Just picture this… You see a fully clothed girl being forced to drown versus you see a nude girl in a cage being forced to drown. You will consider the first act as an act of violence instantly. But you won’t consider the second one an act of violence. Why? Because she is nude- she is enjoying it. Right? Wrong! That too is an act of violence and manipulation.

BuT shE gAve ConSENt tO abUSE hER

Consent isn’t black and white. I urge you to see the documentary where they interview one of the models who worked at Insex- the hell hole from where violence against women started being commercialized and sexualized. Here is the clip. Watch the interview carefully-

PD- the criminal (who remains unarrested till this date) says that she was an “intellectual”. Look at her eyes. Does she look like an intellectual or at the very least, in control of herself? She herself says, “ I was in a drug situation.”

If Women Are Abused In BDSM Porn, Why Do They Come To The Production Houses In The First Place?

People like PD Brent Scott have the talent of identifying depressed, mentally ill (I am using the word with all seriousness) women. He knows that these women are “easy to break”. What he gets? Manufactured consent. A consent that has no meaning- because it is NOT given by women with a clear head.

Why do these girls willingly go to these production studios to be abused? Apart from huge money, there is this aspect of replacing one illness with another.

One of my school friend’s mother had severe arthritis. So much was the pain, that she immolated herself. When ambulance staff came, her body was literally melting way… Yet she smiled and said, “No use. I am fine now.”

For depressed, drug addicted girls, BDSM and being given attention to was akin to immolating themselves. But the original pain never subsides. It keeps lurking. So these girls, in search for ‘subspace’, ‘being corrected’, ‘spiritual release’ keep going back to these production houses.

And then there is the X-Factor: The Boyfriend Who’s Actually a Pimp

Listen to the interviews of ex BDSM porn stars. Most of them have a similar story. They were depressed and then they met the men who would become their boyfriends only to pimp them to the “handlers”. The women- seeing the potential of huge amount of money and an experimental way of having sex that could potentially “heal” her agree to be a part of the production house.

Interesting aside: PD was in the United States navy. Are all men employed by the United States navy or army sadistic?

If you are a consumer of this kind of porn, I know denial would be your first response. You will try to hide behind the garb of BDSM and its focus on consent. Let me tell you, babies, BDSM as a sexual preference and BDSM Porn are two different things.


I used to get off watching Theodosia “having sex” when in reality, she was being abused. She had a stage name that I won’t share here. You can read about Theodosia’s story here and here. Watch her interview and try to understand how these porn stars go where angels fear to tread.

You have been consuming pure violence videos in the name of BDSM porn. Admit it. You will be at peace. Only then can you change your habits.

I know you- as a faithful consumer of BDSM porn- have a lot of counterpoints:

  • “This is a lifestyle. Don’t be holier than thou”

or perhaps,

  • “Even men are abused in these videos”

or perhaps,

  • “Yes I am a monster, if the industry has problems it has to fix them. But I enjoy watching these videos.”

For the first counterpoint, no, actual BDSM is quite boring. You have to keep talking to your partner and make sure that she is safe. It’s a lot of work and frankly, it gets boring real soon.

For the second counterpoint, ask yourself how many times have you jerked off seeing men getting abused. And if you do. This is not about gender. This about violence being inflicted upon depressed individuals who don’t have a sense of agency.

For the third counterpoint, only God / Universe can help you.

Anyone who is reading this, if you have children in your home, PLEASE control your child’s internet usage. If he or she (even girls tend to get severely addicted to BDSM) starts watching these videos from a very early age, then even a therapist will have a hard time bringing your child back to normalcy.



Marifur Rahaman

Content Writer by profession. Do ping me if you come to Kolkata.